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Short Cross Pennies
Rhuddlan Classification
The short cross coins of the Welsh mint of Rhuddlan were struck from locally made dies, whereas all the English mints received their dies from London. The classification of the main series is based on progressive changes made to the London dies, which, although reflected to some degree by the Rhuddlan coins, cannot be applied directly to them. The present classification is based on a paper by John Brand, The Short Cross Coins of Rhuddlan (BNJ 34, 1965), in which the coins are divided into five main classes, the second and third of which are further divided into five and three sub-classes respectively. The Rhuddlan classes are denoted by lower case Roman numerals in order to avoid confusion with the upper case numerals often assigned to the main series. Four moneyers operated during the Rhuddlan coinage: Halli, Tomas, Simon(d) and Henricvs.
Class i (c.1180 - c.1190) - North 972/1
General: Head similar to English coins of class 1, but face tends to be broader
Moneyer: Halli
Letter N: Reversed
Letter C: Normal
Crown pearl configuration: 1/3/5
Hair type: Crescent curls
Initial mark: Cross pattée

Class iia (c.1190 - pre1205) - North 972/2
General: Head similar to class i, but becoming coarser and with fewer curls to look more like English coins of class 3
Moneyer: Halli (reverse legend retrograde)
Letter N: Reversed
Letter C: Has appearance of E
Crown pearl configuration: 1/3/5
Hair type: Crescent curls
Initial mark: Cross pommée
Note! The coin illustrated is a i/iia mule.

Class iib (c.1190 - pre1205) - North 972/2
General: Head similar to class i, but becoming coarser and with fewer curls to look more like English coins of class 3
Moneyer: Tomas
Letter N: Reversed
Letter C: Has appearance of E
Crown pearl configuration: 1/3/5
Hair type: Crescent curls
Initial mark: Cross pommée

Class iic (c.1190 - pre1205) - North 972/2
General: Head similar to class i, but becoming coarser and with fewer curls to look more like English coins of class 3
Moneyer: Tomas
Letter N: Reversed
Letter C: Has appearance of E
Crown pearl configuration: 1/3/5
Hair type: Crescent curls
Initial mark: Cross pommée with bottom pellet on beaded inner circle

Class iid (c.1190 - pre1205) - North 972/2
General: Head similar to class i, but becoming coarser and with fewer curls to look more like English coins of class 3
Moneyer: Tomas
Letter N: Reversed
Letter C: Has appearance of E
Crown pearl configuration: 1/3/5
Hair type: Crescent curls
Initial mark: Cross pommée with bottom pellet on beaded inner circle, and additional central pellet

Class iie (c.1190 - pre1205) - North 972/2
General: Head similar to class i, but becoming coarser and with fewer curls to look more like English coins of class 3
Moneyer: Simon(d)
Letter N: Reversed
Letter C: Has appearance of E
Crown pearl configuration: 1/3/5
Hair type: Crescent curls
Initial mark: Cross pattée

Class iiia (c.1205 - c.1210) - North 973/1
General: Head similar to English coins of class 5
Moneyer: Simon
Letter N: Normal
Letter C: Normal
Crown pearl configuration: 1/3/5
Hair type: Ringlet curls
Initial mark: Cross pommée

Class iiib (c.1205 - c.1210) - North 973/1
General: Head similar to English coins of class 5
Moneyer: Simond
Letter N: Normal
Letter C: Normal
Crown pearl configuration: 1/2/5
Hair type: Crescent curls
Initial mark: Cross pommée

Class iiic (c.1205 - c.1210) - North 973/1
General: Head similar to English coins of class 5
Moneyer: Simond
Letter N: Normal
Letter C: Normal
Crown pearl configuration: 1/2/5
Hair type: Ringlet curls
Initial mark: Cross pommée

Class iv (c.1210) - North 973/2
General: Distinctive head (see image) based on English coins of class 5
Moneyer: Simod (reverse legend retrograde)
Letter N: Normal
Letter C: Has appearance of E
Crown pearl configuration: 1/2/5
Hair type: Ringlet curls
Initial mark: Cross pommée

Class v (c.1210 - c.1215) - North 973/3
General: Debased crude head
Moneyer: Henricvs
Letter N: Normal
Letter C: Normal
Crown pearl configuration: 1/2/5
Hair type: Ringlet curls
Initial mark: Cross pattée

Class i Note
Mass (SCBI 56) dates the start of the Rhuddlan coinage at c.1190, i.e. ten years later than Brand.
Class iiia / iiib Note
Mass (SCBI 56) argues that Brand's class iiib precedes his class iiia.