A resource for collectors, metal-detectorists and students
Allen, M
BNJ 59: The Provision and Use of Short Cross Class V Dies, 1989
Allen, M
BNJ 63: The Chronology of Short Cross Class Ia, 1993
Allen, M
The Durham Mint, 2003
Brand, J D
BNJ 33: Some Short Cross Questions, 1964
Brand, J D
BNJ 34: The Short Cross Coins of Rhuddlan, 1965
Brand, J D
The English Coinage, 1180-1247, 1994
Brooke, G C
English Coins, 3rd Edition, 1950
Burns, E
The Coinage of Scotland, 1887
Eaglen, R J
The Abbey and Mint of Bury St Edmunds to 1279, 2006
Elmore Jones, F
BNJ 25: The Last Short Cross Issue of Henry III (Class 8), 1945-1948
Evans, J
NC, Series 2, 5: The Short Cross Question, 1865
Evans, J
NC, Series 2, 15: Further Remarks on the Short Cross Question, 1875
Grueber, H A
Handbook of the Coins of Great Britain and Ireland in the British Museum, 2nd Ed. 1970
Hawkins, E
The Silver Coins of England, 1st Edition, 1841
Lawrence, L A
BNJ 11: The Short-Cross Coinage, 1180 to 1247, 1915
Longstaffe, W H D
NC, Series 2, 3: Northern Evidence on the Short-Cross Question, 1863
Mass, J P
BNJ 63: Of Dies, Design Changes, and Square Lettering in the Opening Phase of the Short Cross Coinage, 1993
Mass, J P
SCBI 56: The J P Mass Collection of English Short Cross Coins, 1180-1247, 2001
Metcalf, D M
SCBI 12: Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, Part II: English Coins 1066-1279, 1969
North, J J
English Hammered Coinage, Vol I, 3rd Revised Edition, 1994
North, J J
BNJ 58: A Re-examination of Classes 7 and 8 of the Short Cross Coinage, 1988
Oman, C
The Coinage of England, 1931
Standard Catalogue of British Coins – England and the United Kingdom, 2018
Stewart, I
BNJ 49 & BNJ 51: English Coinage in the Later Years of John and the Minority of Henry III, Parts 1 & 2, 1979 & 1981
Stewartby, Lord
English Coins, 1180-1551, 2009
Sutherland, C H V
English Coinage, 600-1900, 1973
Wren, C R
The English Short-Cross Pennies 1180-1247, 1992
British Numismatic Journal, the journal of the British Numismatic Society, published since 1904
Numismatic Chronicle, the journal of the Royal Numismatic Society, published since 1838
Sylloge of Coins of the British Isles, catalogues of major collections published for the Royal Academy since 1958
Seaby's Coin and Medal Bulletin, a journal of numismatics and a sales list, published by B A Seaby, 1926-1991