A resource for collectors, metal-detectorists and students
CoinSearcher Help
CoinSearcher is designed to help identify coins that have incomplete legends, either as a result of wear or damage, or because they are halves or quarters that have been intentionally made by cutting full coins to provide small change (i.e. cut halfpennies and farthings).
There are currently five databases available on CoinSearcher:
Roman Imperial Obverses
Short Cross Reverses
Long Cross Reverses
Scottish Short Cross Reverses
Scottish Long Cross Reverses
Additional databases may be added in future, and the current databases are regularly updated as new information becomes available.
Performing searches
Select the required database and type the letters that can be read on the coin into the search field. If some letters are illegible but can be identified as single characters, represent each one by typing a question mark (?). If there is an unknown number of letters between two that are legible in the legend, type an asterisk (*) between them. Do not type spaces, stops of any kind, or any other characters in the search field (except in the special cases shown below). Searches are case-insensitive, so ABC, Abc, abc, etc. will produce the same results.
Click the Search button and CoinSearcher will list the results in the table below. Note that it might be necessary to scroll the table to see all results if the search is based on very few letters.
Roman Imperial Obverses Only
An additional facility is provided on this database whereby searches by reign may also be made. By entering the emperor’s name, a list of the obverse legends found on coins of that reign will be displayed. For this search, spaces may be used in two-part names and between the name and regnal number, as applicable (e.g. Hadrian, Marcus Aurelius and Constantine II are all acceptable forms).
Short Cross and Scottish Short Cross Reverses Only
In addition to using the question mark and asterisk as ‘wildcards’ in the manner described above, the initial cross, represented by the plus sign (+), must also be entered to the search field whenever it is present/visible on the coin.
Please note that on some short cross coins the letter M is rendered with a horizontal crossbar and has the appearance of a Roman H (e.g. SIHVND for SIMVND). In all such cases the entry in the search field must be the standard form of the letter, i.e. M.
Long Cross and Scottish Long Cross Reverses Only
In addition to using the question mark and asterisk as ‘wildcards’ in the manner described above, the cross-ends that divide the legend, represented by the slash sign (/), must also be entered to the search field. (There will always be two on a cut farthing, three on a cut halfpenny and four on a full coin.)
Please note that on some long cross coins the letter N is rendered with a horizontal crossbar and has the appearance of a Roman H (e.g. HICOLE for NICOLE). In all such cases the entry in the search field must be the standard form of the letter, i.e. N.