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Class 4ab (1250 - 1251) - Spink 1365A; North 989/1
The central ornament of the crown is a fleur-de-lis (as class 4b)
The ornament at each end of the crown is a pellet (as class 4a)
Class 4b (1250 - 1251) - Spink 1366; North 990
The central ornament of the crown is a fleur-de-lis
The ornament at each end of the crown is a half-lis
The face is larger than that of 4a or 4ab
Notes regarding class 4 sub-classes
All class 4 coins are scarce. The class was not sub-divided in Lawrence’s original classification, although he noted the early and late varieties of the crown.
Sub-classes 4a and 4b are known only of London. Sub-class 4ab was struck at London, Bury and Canterbury.
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